A Long Time Ago in a Land Far Away



I was one of those Men in Tights.
A full fledged member of the
Society For Creative Anachronism
I was 24 years old and having the time of my life pretending to be a Robin Hood clone.

In reality I was Staff Sergeant Howard H. Graham of the United States Air Force.
In my fantasy playtime I was Aarond the Gray
A dashing young Saxon archer on a joyful quest for adventure of all manner and kind.


The little guy I'm thumping on is Sean Arquette
the son of Scott Arquette better known ad Sir Elrin of Hrasvelg.
(I hope I spelled that correctly)
Scott was one of the best friends I have ever had the good fortune to know.

Wherever he and Nansea are now I wish them good fortune and fulfillment in all their desires.

The year was 1975
More than half a life-time ago for me.





Copyright 2009 - Aarond H. Graham
Instructional Support Specialist
Oklahoma State University - College of Education