HOME > Graylyn the Cruiser


Meet my new friend
~~~  Graylyn  ~~~

 2004 Suzuki Volusia Intruder, VL-800
She's a 52 horsepower pleasure cruisin' machine

Graylyn is a far cry from my first ride back in 1965

This beauty was a 1965, 80-cc, Suzuki Hillbilly
I got it in 1965 for my 14th birthday.
She sported 4.9 horsepower of 2-stroke madness
and sounded like 2000 angry bumblebees caught in a tin wash bucket.
But for 2 1/2 years this little rice-burner took me
and my baby brother
all over the greater Oklahoma City area.
Suzuki's theme song of "Solo Suzuki" was a misnomer, 'cause this puppy was an honest-to-gosh chick magnet,,, or maybe the chick magnet was my brother Tommy,,, from the time he was 6 months until he was 2 1/2 years old, he sat in front of me and we rode the wild streets of Oklahoma City.



Copyright 2009 - Aarond H. Graham
Instructional Support Specialist
Oklahoma State University - College of Education