On Memorial Day 2006

I was Knighted


His Imperial Highness

Prince Philip Makonnen Haile Selassie

in the

Imperial Ethiopian Order of Saint Mary of Zion

Waiting for a ride to the chapel




Doing my best James Bond imitation




The Chapel




His Imperial Highness
Prince Philip Makonnen Haile Selassie
Grand Master of the
Imperial Ethiopian Order of Saint Mary of Zion




Prince Philip Makonnen Haile Selassie

Aarond H. Graham, Chevalier

Prince Stefanos Mengesha Seyoum


Peter Von Groote, Chevalier
and his charger
(AKA:  Euro Trash)


Aarond H. Graham, Chevalier
and his mighty steed
(AKA:  Sushi Harley)


Copyright 2009 - Aarond H. Graham
Instructional Support Specialist
Oklahoma State University - College of Education